Fuji GFX and Profoto lights at Hemmingway's "Drink and Click" event

October 12, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

We had over 100 people come out to Hemmingway's on Houston Street to play with all the Fuji cameras, and everyone had a great time. They could borrow any camera body or lens that Fuji makes and the event was totally free! We had three of Fuji's best reps working this event with us to make sure the event flowed and everyone got to shoot.

Fifty megapixels! That is a lot of data. What do you get with all that information? The obvious is super sharp images but the dynamic range is unlike anything I've ever shot. You can pin point a highlight and it will hold. Do you want subtle shadows that aren't blocked up? Then I would suggest this is your camera. Dury's has this camera system to rent by the day or week, you may want to do it just for fun. I have a couple of suggestions for you if you are considering it:

  1. If you don't think you can afford it, you may not want to rent it. This camera and the files it produces are addictive.
  2. You will want super fast, UHS-II cards as large as you want to own. The speed that it writes these files is impressive IF you don't skimp on the card speed.
  3. Fast computer and large hard drives. These are not options, they are a necessity to move this much data, but it's worth it!

Beautiful black and white images with one of the many Fuji film simulations. This is Acros with a yellow filter.

You can zoom into this image as far as you like. The detail is kind of unbelievable, it just keeps going. But if you miss the focus, just delete the file, there is nothing you can do to bring it back.

I brought along a few of my Profoto lights so we had a controlled lighting situation. We used a B1X that had the Westcott Rapid Box mounted as the modifier. The accent light was a Profoto B2 with one of my favorite and most used modifiers, the 12"x36" strip bank with grids. I brought multiple Profoto triggers so people could shoot the models on their camera or use their SD card in the GFX. Most people chose to do both and I don't blame them.

The feedback we've had has been incredible. Most are asking when we will do our next event and how they can sign up for it. Keep checking our web site, we will update it with all the fun things we have planned.



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