Looking into “The Future”

March 04, 2013

Aaron’s Toyota van affectionately named, “The Future.”

March 24, 2010 I went on a several day road trip with my son.  We headed south to Florida just so we could take pictures and enjoy some time together.  It was fun, random and spontaneous.  We didn’t even make hotel reservations because we didn’t know where we would end up at.  I found these files yesterday when I was looking for an image to add to my post, I just needed something “pretty” that represented stillness, and that’s where I found it.

So, I’ve been thinking about the uncertainty of the future recently and how quickly life changes.  You can’t watch the news, read a paper or open up your browser without seeing some horrific accident, murder or life altering event.  It happens every single day.  Someone’s lives have been changed forever in an instant!  It may or may not have happened to you, but you can pretty much be assured that it will at some point.

I don’t want this to be depressing or seem fatalistic, instead, I want to remind you that there is someone who knows all the future before it happens.  He cares for you and wants to provide your every need.

1 Peter 5:7 KJV  Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

Comfort during a loss.  Help when you are hurting.  Encouragement when you are depressed or healing when you are sick.  No matter what your need is, He is bigger than that and has all the answers.  However, we don’t always get the answers we are hoping for, or it seems like our prayers may have gone unanswered.  In reality, we can know that they haven’t.

No matter where you find yourself today, in a state of all is well, or your life is turned upside down.  I want to remind you that there is One who cares for you, and loves you.  He will see you safely through whatever you are going through.

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